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GC Fuji Plus 1-1 Kit




Contains: 15g powder, 8g Liquid, 7g Conditioner

GC Fuji PLUS is a resin-reinforced, glass ionomer luting cement designed for the final cementation of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, metal-free crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. It bonds chemically and mechanically to the tooth structure and all types of the core material. Its simple placement technique produces significantly higher bond strengths than conventional glass ionomer cements while maintaining the favorable characteristics of glass ionomers-fluoride release, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and biocompatibility to the tooth structure and soft tissues. For an indirect metal-free restoration we recommend a resin-reinforced / resin-modified glass ionomer for final cementation – cementable reinforced all ceramic crowns like PROCERA or cementable composite resin restoration like GRADIA.

The use of optional GC Fuji PLUS Conditioner prepares the bonding surface, which dramatically increases the bond strength and reduces the chance of pulpal sensitivity. A 20-second application of GC Fuji PLUS Conditioner removes the smear layer with a mild citric acid etchant and seals dentinal tubules with its ferric chloride component.